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Osprey's goal is to become the most transparent and sustainable outdoor consumer goods brand in the world. Their All Mighty Guarantee ensures that, wherever possible, all bags will be repaired and reused, increasing the lifespan of the products

Status obtained at the Muule barometer

Awaiting brand elements

Eco-design of products 0.0 sur 100.0
Production line 0.0 sur 100.0
Corporate Social Responsability 0.0 sur 100.0

The selection OSPREY

Osprey was born in California in 1974, with a simple sewing machine but thanks to a desire to design and create innovative, high quality backpacks. Today, Osprey products continue in the same pioneering spirit. They are used all over the world, on the summits of the highest mountains and on the most remote islands on the planet.

Best Sellers OSPREY

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